Member-only story
Fun fact: you can love someone and still not want to see them or talk to them.
Growing up and learning about friendship, there was always this thought in the back of my head that if someone didn’t want to talk to me or needed space from me, it was because they didn’t love me. That poof! our friendship or relationship was over. Goodbye and good day.
As an adult, I understand now that you can 100% love someone, cherish someone, respect someone and have absolutely zero interest in speaking to them.
That’s where I am right now. A very dear friend of mine betrayed my trust a handful of weeks ago. She shared something incredibly personal, a piece of information that it took me MONTHS to build up the courage to share with her, and shortly after we parted ways that afternoon, she shared that information with her husband.
Now, as a woman and as someone in a very loving romantic relationship, I understand that some couples share everything with each other. That no secret is a true secret for some people, because they will share it with their partners.
I am not a member of one of those couples. I never have been, nor will I ever be. Yes, I tell 99% of everything to my partner. But certain things I hold in my heart, sacred pieces of information shared with me by friends who trust…